Hello, does it work on the longer ray5 10w machine?
Dear customer ,, yes it works. Best regards
hello i had buy it 12 days ago and I have no news. Gwen and how did I receive mine licence key ?
Dear customer, please check your Email. It should have been delivered 10 days ago. Best regards
Hello, I buy the license and in the description it say that the key will be e-mail to me but I received a mail telling me that the shipment was made... Will I received a physical item ?
Dear customer, yes exactly. the tracking number you receive by email is the License Key. Best regards
buongiorno. tra quanto mi arriva la email per attivare la licenza? grazie
Dear customer. yes the tracking number indicated in the email is the license key. best regards
After a year it stops working or are only upgrades suspended? In the description it says permanent use.
Dear customer, they will expire after a year and you can renew the License. Best regards
this licencia is valid for 3 pc or only 1 pc?
Dear customer, you can use it on 2 devices at the same time. Bes regards