hello, How long it will take to send my order 5906016? BR.


Dear customer, we will ship in 48 hours from now. Best regards

1 Answers

Can you save your progress in game ? Can you add credits (lives) in games?


Dear customer, Save is convenient, especially paired with the quick-save-state that occurs when you power off the device, but they’re also more tightly coupled to the exact emulator/core that you’re using so moving the files to another device or system is more difficult. Experience from Miyoo users for reference: (1) Autosaves for cores that support it because it's very convenient, (2) manual saves when I pass a certain point that I might want to revisit, and (3) in-game SRAM saves when available because they are the most reliable and transferable. Can you add credits (lives) in games?- I don't think so. Best regards

1 Answers

I already paid and placed an order a few days ago, when will it be shipped?


Dear customer, we are so sorry for the delay. your order was placed the day before yesterday. And it was shipped this morning. Tracking number: YT2320021266030666 Tracking info : https://t.17track.net/zh-cn#nums=YT2320021266030666 , Best regards

1 Answers

which version of the handheld is it? v3 or v4?


Dear customer, it is the latest. Best regards

1 Answers

Bonjour quelles sont les langues disponibles pour les jeux svp ? Cordialement


Bonjour, la console dispose d'une interface en anglais. Merci. Joyeux noel.

1 Answers

battery life?


Dear customer, 5-6 hour,3000mAh battery. Best regards

1 Answers

is there any chance for a discount coupon if I buy 3 right now?


Dear customer, yes sure. 80€ - 7€ CODE: GKB2411EC07
Best regards

1 Answers