Ich habe die mechanische Tastatur Redragon Phantom K629-KB bestellt, um mein Büro aufzupeppen, nachdem ich jahrelang eine standardmäßige schwarze 104-Tasten-Dell-Tastatur verwendet habe, und bin bisher zufrieden damit, obwohl das Layout einige Anpassungen erfordert. Die kabelgebundene mechanische Tastatur mit 84 Tasten wird schön verpackt geliefert und enthält ein langes Typ-C-Kabel, eine Tastenkappe und eine Bedienungsanleitung. Die Tastatur ist gut verarbeitet, ziemlich solide und sitzt fest auf dem Schreibtisch, ohne herumzurutschen, im Gegensatz zu meiner alten Tastatur. Als ich es an meinen Desktop anschloss, erkannte Windows 10 es sofort. Ich mag das Gefühl und den Klang der roten mechanischen Tasten. Die Tasten wackeln nicht herum.
I have to say up front, this is my preferred size of keyboard, but not my preferred switch type. The blue switches do have a nice feel, I can see why people like the linear switches... they're easy to activate but still pretty precise - I'm not having any debounce issues (doubled characters) nor misses - you can definitely feel where this key bottoms out. I like the layout choices - the spacebar is full sized, spanning from "X" to ",". The doubleshot keys have great visibility and a nice large font for the alpha keys, shining through the full color gamut and at every brightness level (of which there are 4). Despite its small size, the keyboard has a raised edge that covers the mechanisms and lends the keyboard a more professional appearance. The base has grippy rubber feet which help mitigate the light weight of the keyboard. I didn't have any issue with it sliding around as I typed up this review.
This keyboard is really nice and clean, with sturdy key caps and nice sounding switches. its perfect for gaming and just regular typing. i really like the way these blue switches sound, they are very smooth and the key caps are very easy to press down on. i would 100% recommend this keyboard to anyone who doesn't want to spend upwards of 200 on a custom that does the same as this one. only thing is, the layout is american so there is no pound sign and some keys are in places you wouldn't expect them to be if you were in the uk. to customise the colours and the presentation of the rgb you can download the red dragon app from google and choose the setup.
A budget friendly mechanical keyboard with cool RGB modes! 
I love how the keycaps are so responsive and you don't have to fully push down. Saving you from make mistakes.
Love this mechanical keyboard, though the black looks a little dull. I'm really enjoying these blue switches for gaming and typing. They're very responsive and have a satisfying mechanical feeling - no mushiness at all. I like how it came with a keycap puller and an optional red escape key. The backlight brightness is easily adjusted and I prefer it on the dimmest setting so it's not distracting. I had a previous redragon, that was around $70 a few years ago and this was my replacement. it was surprisingly cheaper and better quality. the light settings are cool too and very bright which you can turn down but fun to mess with.