In terms of design and build quality, the ENGWE T14 is top-notch. The white color scheme is sleek and modern, and the bike feels sturdy and well-built. I appreciate the attention to detail, from the adjustable seat and handlebars to the integrated front headlight and rear taillight. After riding it for months, I can say it is perfect for commuting, running errands, or just cruising around town. I'm also fond of its folding design, which requires less space to store it, and convenient when travelling. The price point is also very reasonable for the quality and features you get. I couldn't be happier with my purchase!
I love this bike!! It has exceeded all of my expectations and has quickly become my go-to mode of transportation. The 14-inch tires provide a smooth and comfortable ride, even on bumpy or uneven terrain. The 48V 10AH battery is powerful and long-lasting, allowing me to ride for hours without needing to recharge. The 350W motor is also incredibly impressive. It provides plenty of power for quick acceleration and easily tackles hills and inclines. I love how responsive the bike is, and how seamlessly it transitions between pedal-assist and full electric mode. The top speed of 33 km/h is also a huge plus - I can easily keep up with traffic and get where I need to go quickly.
I really loves it, very convenient for me particular. It allows me to make my rounds easily.
The bike is perfect for my 7 year old child. An adult with a height of 190 cm like me looks a bit comical on it, but you can ride it without any problems. I highly recommend this model.It is comfortable and has a comfortable suspension.
Packaged arrived within 7 days of purchase. Company did a fantastic job of responding to my emails in a timely manner. Not too bad to assemble however manual provided did not have good instructions on how to properly set up, maintain and adjust the bike accordingly. Had to adjust rear breaks because they were too tight and squeakingout of the box. The biggest problem I have is the handlebars are loose and it is not easy to tighten. Handlebar fastener just doesn't seem to keep them up and feels unsafe. I actually almost fell twice, second time was after I tighten as hard as my wrench would allow. I had to drill a self-tapping screw into handle bar to keep it from going down every time I hit a bump. Seems ok for now. I am 6'1 220 lbs. The shocks are too soft for me and need to be tighten but I don't know how. The handle bars also slant in towards my knees while on sitting on the sattle. It would be nice if I had a more distance between me and the handle bars, which is forcing me to sit further back on the rear edge of the seat, moving my center of gravity from the middle of the bike to the back tire. This is my first ebike and definitely plan to upgrade to a larger one in the future, hopefully another Engwe.
It's not bad. But I can't tell 80km ride one time charge. Looking good moving good.