Everything good
My Ender 5 S1 worked great for about 2 months. Then It just quit in the middle of a print and doesn't work any more. When it tries to print it can't get past the leveling process because when it starts it no longer goes to the middle of the build plate and when it checks the first corner it goes beyond the build plate and I get a probe error message . I contacted Creality and they referred my case to Geekbuying.com. They sent me a message that someone would be contacting me in 48 hrs to resolve my problem. That was two weeks ago and still no contact from geekbuying. I have gotten several emails for sells offers but nothing about fixing my problem.
pues la verdad no aconsejo comprar aquí, aunque sea más barato, porque yo tengo un problema después de dos Meses de comprarla,se me ha jodido el cable de la placa base del hotend, la placa, y demás cosas, por un chispazo que dio cuando estaba encendida trabajando, error 111 y llevan más de un mes, dando excusas para no enviarme los repuestos por garantía de ellos, espera y espera pero no dan solución , para vender impresora si, son rápido.
Using a printer is also an additional, expected learning curve. Even with help, the initial level of understanding can be daunting and difficult. In short, the printer reads the GCode file from the removable storage device and performs printing. Once you gain more knowledge, you can use other software to cut and/or create 3D projects.
This is my fourth 3D printer and I still feel like a newbie as there is a lot to learn. But the Creality Ender-5 S1 3D Printer is indeed a great printer. The design is very good.
As always, PLA is the easiest to use, everything else requires some fine-tuning. Using PETG, I can print the thick center portion of the model twice as fast as other printers, but need to keep the speed slower near the first layer and on the more delicate parts.
An experienced friend helped with assembly and pointed out features like pre-assembled gantry and operational differences that give the unit faster print speeds. It's no surprise knowing beforehand that I might have been impressed, but a friend was also impressed and claimed to print twice as fast as his current printer.
The built-in auto-leveling feature is great. Just adjust the knobs on each corner to be slightly closer and let the BL Touch take care of the rest. I do the auto-leveling before every print and have never had a problem with the bed sticking.
The ease of use, speed, and filament variety are all very good, so overall I'm very happy with it.
Completely satisfied with the purchase and quality verified by an experienced and knowledgeable user. Based on what I learned during setup and operation, I think this printer is suitable for anyone keen to learn 3D printing. Additionally, with qualified help, key upgrades and operating differences can be pointed out, increasing the understanding and overall appreciation of this particular model.
After doing a lot of test printing and trying high temperature ASA and PC as well as flexible TPU, we are very happy with the results and the overall performance of the printer.
One material I would use glass+hairspray instead is ABS, but I haven't used this printer yet because there is no case. For the money, and having a nice hot end, it would be nice to have a magnetic one.
Within three hours of starting the project, we had completed our first piece - the boat. The bunny was also printed, completing the included test print. After a short search decided to download and load the whistle file and got an actual working whistle in less than an hour.
Some of the criticisms I've seen in early professional reviews appear to have been addressed. One is that the fan ducts are 3D printed, but mine are injection molded. On the plus side, this might mean that Creality has an stl that I can replace with if needed. Another problem is that the build plate contains too many sticks. PLA and PETG always performed well after several bends in different directions, except for the latter's narrow support. If I warm the bed up first, I can take them off easily.
This printer is fully functional. I think it's best suited for those who have more experience with 3D printing and are looking to upgrade.
Before the printer arrived, watched the unboxing and setup video to get some perspective on assembly and use. Follow the included setup guide during assembly and it's easy to follow step by step. Once the frame was assembled, the wiring was laid out so well that there was no doubt where each end connected and to what components.
Strictly speaking, there's no belt tensioning or hand-tightening of roller bearings or anything like that on this printer, so this printer is one of the easiest to assemble. Creality has really thought about cable placement here and has included a number of cable management features. The overall look is very clean, with barely any stray cables. I would have liked to see a 90 degree power cord, though, since the plug is on the side.
The CR Touch bed leveling works great, but we still had to do the occasional manual bed leveling, which we suspect is more due to the fact that the print bed is cantilevered.
Big upgrades to this printer compared to other Creality printers are the dual-gear direct extruder and universal hotend design. It's designed for fast printing, and it actually prints much faster than my other printers without losing (too much) accuracy.
The Creality slicer's default settings are otherwise very good. The touch screen on the printer also makes it easy to make on-the-fly changes.